Professor Dr. Alper Muftuoglu; Dean of Faculty of Law and Deputy Chancellor of European University of Benelux (Kingdom of Benelux) signed a partnership and cooperation agreement with Professor Dr. Vasko Roman Vladimirovich; the President of Kyiv National Linguistic University (State University in Ukraine).
I avoid making any design or sketching prior to my works of art. This is because to hinder to do paintings dependent upon anything that could be easily explained. In addition to this, I prefer listening music while doing my paintings and try to avoid working in a place in where noise and images could affect me negatively. According to me, prior to each painting, there should not be anything that I could get any sense of it on a meaningless spot on the canvas so that I can reach my subconscious.
The spot that arouse my imagination and subconscious and does not have any meaning at the beginning or by following a figure and working with internal sudden decisions make me more enthusiastic. To be honest, I believe that the tripling of colour, spot and the structure composing the main dynamic of my works is nourished by this flame of enthusiasm.
Uncertainty, decoding messages of my subconscious, transforming them to the plastic meaning and the internal difficulty or excitement which I feel during this transformation are consuming passion with me.
Aphorisms 2018 - 2019
Kafka's aphorisms are fascinating glimpses into the lure and the enigma of the form itself.
In this serie, I follow my own aphorisms in the depths of my spirit.
Sometimes in the big world of an insect, sometimes in the small world of human being...
"All human errors stem from impatience, a premature breaking off of a methodical approach, an ostensible pinning down of an ostensible object."
Empathy 2018
The Art Works here in Empathy Series refers to the mankind power on nature and human’s disingenuous approach of to the all other living creatures in nature.
I put myself into the place of the other owners of the World which we share out this Planet.
I have tried to see human beings with their eyes and wanted to understand and feel their reactions.
I, being a small part of this Planet, when trying to express my apologies, I also tried to transfer their visual images.
I have witnessed fear in their faces and eyes; desperation in their hearts.
I am frightened, became deaf and being shot.
They had my skin out and used them as a garment but I didn’t tell my sorrow.
I became them.
Cosmos 2017
Everthing that exists in the life is with us, with questions…
Pushing the boundaries of our imagination world…
We, the little people of the great cosmos,
could we open the doors of obscurity in our dream world
with the inspiration they maybe given us
until we meet others in another space or planet?